Quit Sugar Coating It...Life sucks, Learn to Deal!

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Currently, Wyoming, United States
I am 38 years old, and quite frankly sick and tired of all the stupidity I have had to deal with in my life. So I created this blog to essentially vent and point out the struggles we experience in the US as a society and individuals.... All comments welcome!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Conversations with a five year old

"MOM, Dakota said the shit word." indignation and self important tattling voice....

"What?" Incredulous, did I just hear what I thought you said mom voice...

"Dakota said the shit word..." From the next room "Nuh-uh!!!"

Move into the next room where one twin is on the floor picking up spilled cheerios and looks up at his tattle tale brother with anger.
"I didn't say the shit word!"

To the tattle tale... "Did he say SHIT or another bad word?"

"He didn't say SHIT he said the shit word...." seeming confused that I don't get it yet...

"What is the shit word?"

Still indignant..."I DIDN'T say the SHIT word!!!"

"He said poop... the shit word, that means shit."

*facepalm* "He's allowed to say poop.... I know it MEANS shit but he can say poop and NOT say shit, that's ok."

Wrinkled brow and then understanding... "OH! Well..... then.... nevermind!"

Sits back down and seems to act as if nothing has happened, while I walk back to what I was doing, confused and flustered.

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