Quit Sugar Coating It...Life sucks, Learn to Deal!

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Currently, Wyoming, United States
I am 38 years old, and quite frankly sick and tired of all the stupidity I have had to deal with in my life. So I created this blog to essentially vent and point out the struggles we experience in the US as a society and individuals.... All comments welcome!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I am NOT a teacher.......

OK, let's see if I can stop laughing long enough to post this...... *snicker, snort, chuckle* So a close friend is attending college online. I totally support her in this and she has chosen a respected online school. I won't mention the school cause it will probably get me sued for liable or some stupid thing but you would know it if I did. She has been having trouble with one of her classes, just not being able to get a perfect score on a paper. During our conversation, she mentioned that they are not called teachers, but rather facilitators. They facilitate the education experience of the students.
This is too funny. Isn't that what a teacher DOES? Facilitate the learning experience? I think it's in the job description.... foster learning environments while providing educational opportunities and facilitating the learning process. Are they that self important that being a teacher or professor isn't good enough for them? Is being a teacher a BAD thing now? They still call the attendees students. Apparently the facilitators are more special than the facilitated. Maybe it just looks awesome on a resume... I am not a teacher, I am an educational facilitator. I think I will take this into my vocabulary now. I am not a parent... I am a child growth facilitator. A mother is an incubation facilitator. A crying child is an annoyance facilitator, actually, the child making the crying child cry is actually the facilitator I guess....
I am taking it to my resume for sure. I was once a food delivery facilitator, a package transition facilitator, and for a short time, a military vehicle activity facilitator. I like it. And it would make many jobs sound much more desirable, wouldn't it. A refuse disposal facilitator, a waste water sanitation facilitator, even a elder care facilitator. SIGH. I think it's time to facilitate the end of this blog.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Ok I feel better now.... for about five minutes. This lady needs another kid in the cart, a shovel in her hand, and a teenager harassing her every step. "Can I have a cookie." "I'm hungry." "WHY can't I go all the way across the country and stay with someone who's a total stranger to you???" "Woof." "I got mud on my shoe." "HI!... mom she didn't say hi back to me..." "Look a deer!!!!" "HE HIT ME!!!" "But I need to be at practice NOW!" *interspersed with random screaming at the top of lungs* "A BEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

First off.... yes you have a job, mr dad. Yes you get up slightly earlier than me to go to it. But noone is yelling at you to feed them, water them or kiss a boo boo (he stubbed his dang toe on a LEGO!!!) while you are doing said job. Also, while I know I volunteered to help with the yard work so you could rest your hurt elbow, asking me what I did today when you walk in the door isn't helping. When you get home everyone wants dinner.... help with homework... another boo boo kissed (MY GOD, you are 5, how can it hurt THAT bad!?!?!?). There are also fights to break up (have considered just giving them baseball bats and let Darwin take the wheel)... dogs to feed and water again (quit barking at EVERY chipmunk, there are like 20 of them out there, get used to it already!!!) floors to clean (yes I saw the damn poop... I'll get to it, *CRASH* OH HELL what NOW!?).

Idea: When you get home, and something needs doing that will hurt you to do (nice scrape on the already hurting elbow... damn, did a shark attack your shop???) maybe you could actually play a game or two with the children while I do that task. It's what I do when YOU are cutting grass, digging trenches, weed eating and tilling the ruts so you don't get thrown off the riding mower(stupid ten ton gravel truck!) We both know I am capable but quite frankly, ain't nothing much getting done as fast as you want it done if no one gives me time to do it. OH, and can you make dinner while I am out there? I am gonna be dirty tired and hungry when I'm done......

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Conversations with a five year old

"MOM, Dakota said the shit word." indignation and self important tattling voice....

"What?" Incredulous, did I just hear what I thought you said mom voice...

"Dakota said the shit word..." From the next room "Nuh-uh!!!"

Move into the next room where one twin is on the floor picking up spilled cheerios and looks up at his tattle tale brother with anger.
"I didn't say the shit word!"

To the tattle tale... "Did he say SHIT or another bad word?"

"He didn't say SHIT he said the shit word...." seeming confused that I don't get it yet...

"What is the shit word?"

Still indignant..."I DIDN'T say the SHIT word!!!"

"He said poop... the shit word, that means shit."

*facepalm* "He's allowed to say poop.... I know it MEANS shit but he can say poop and NOT say shit, that's ok."

Wrinkled brow and then understanding... "OH! Well..... then.... nevermind!"

Sits back down and seems to act as if nothing has happened, while I walk back to what I was doing, confused and flustered.