OK, let's see if I can stop laughing long enough to post this...... *snicker, snort, chuckle* So a close friend is attending college online. I totally support her in this and she has chosen a respected online school. I won't mention the school cause it will probably get me sued for liable or some stupid thing but you would know it if I did. She has been having trouble with one of her classes, just not being able to get a perfect score on a paper. During our conversation, she mentioned that they are not called teachers, but rather facilitators. They facilitate the education experience of the students.
This is too funny. Isn't that what a teacher DOES? Facilitate the learning experience? I think it's in the job description.... foster learning environments while providing educational opportunities and facilitating the learning process. Are they that self important that being a teacher or professor isn't good enough for them? Is being a teacher a BAD thing now? They still call the attendees students. Apparently the facilitators are more special than the facilitated. Maybe it just looks awesome on a resume... I am not a teacher, I am an educational facilitator. I think I will take this into my vocabulary now. I am not a parent... I am a child growth facilitator. A mother is an incubation facilitator. A crying child is an annoyance facilitator, actually, the child making the crying child cry is actually the facilitator I guess....
I am taking it to my resume for sure. I was once a food delivery facilitator, a package transition facilitator, and for a short time, a military vehicle activity facilitator. I like it. And it would make many jobs sound much more desirable, wouldn't it. A refuse disposal facilitator, a waste water sanitation facilitator, even a elder care facilitator. SIGH. I think it's time to facilitate the end of this blog.