What is it about responsibility for your own actions that people just don't get?
Take this one child I know, we will call her Cat, who absolutely refuses under video evidence or threat of death to accept her part in ANYTHING. Example, she is getting a 12 in Algebra I... her school refuses to post a grade below 70 (which is failing) and curves anything below that to a 70. She argues first...
I haven't got a 12, I have a 70, in any other school that would be passing.
Wait... you don't actually have a 70... you have a 12 and they POST a 70 cause they just do that... it shows right here on the website how the points system works and how the grade is curved to what shows. Your 98 in PE is showing as a 100, see?
No, I have a hundred in PE and a 70 in Algebra, thats what they posted, so that is the grade that will show on my transcript when I transfer.
(we are arguing about her moving to GA with her father)
Fine, you are failing to grasp the 12 here but lets move on to WHY you are getting an F. You never do your homework...
The teacher lost THAT assignment and refuses to take it off.
What about the other 5 from the past two weeks?
I don't understand it.
I get that, we have been working on the understanding but you still have to TURN IN the homework or you get 0. You got 100 on the two you did turn in, so you get credit just for DOING it.
I still bomb the tests cause I don't like math and I don't GET math.
(sigh, trying to keep cool) Lets run the numbers... with the 0 on homeworks and the 58 and 68 on the tests, you average a 12... put 100 for all those missing assignments and you have an 84... do you see how important doing the work is? It also might help you understand if you did the practice problems in the homework.
When I transfer, it will be a 70 and I will be getting a C like I always do in math. And the teacher wont let me make up any missing work or do extra credit, so there is nothing I can do now anyway.
(deeeeeeeep breath, losing the cool and starting to raise my voice) You are telling me that the teacher wont let you make up work you missed because you were at the doctor getting your knee xrayed?
YES MOM, they DONT give extra credit here and he doesn't care if I was there or not.
(now the real yelling begins and I am dragged down to a 15 year old level, screaming and getting nowhere, angry and unable to understand how she can truly, in any way think the 12 is the teachers fault. She claims the school sucks but we all know that schools keep there standards high ONLY when the students can meet them, so they don't get slammed from the school board)
It doesn't stop there... we should understand that she forgets things sometimes, when really the only stuff she FORGETS is the stuff she doesn't want to do. She only has one chore and can't even manage that, unload a dishwasher.... what will she do on her own if she can't even unload a dishwasher. She has all her friends phone numbers memorized and NEVER forgets to watch her tv shows (when she has tv privileges). She never forgets when cheer practice is, tryouts are or who is dating whom now. She never forgets where MY makeup is when she wants it, but never asks to use it. She digs in my drawers and shelves for my deodorant instead of telling me she's out (she forgot) and then takes it to school with her because she has PE. She WILL NOT watch her twin brothers for 30 minutes while I run to get something at the store real fast and don't want to take them with unless I PAY her. She comes by when I am on my computer and puts her phone on speaker and then gets mad when I have to yell at her brothers, cause I am embarrassing (she has her own damn room, go there to talk). She presses buttons while I am trying to submit online college school work to see if the PC will do the same crazy crap a MAC will when you press ctrl-F11. She back talks and says SWEET! sarcastically if you tell her NO to anything and then stalks off (typical teen I am sure but still unacceptably disrespectful). She wanted to move in with her father because I dont care about her (cause I wont let her go to colorado for xmas and stay with a 19 year old boy.. geeze mom, dont you trust me, nothing is gonna happen... SERIOUSLY?!) then changes her mind when she realizes he is poor and cannot pay for her cell phone or computer. I have cut her off from almost everything, no computer, no tv, no paints (she splattered the floor of the house we are renting with paint and REFUSED to clean it up, it was so bad it took me and the husband 6 HOURS to clean it and a whole bottle of acetone). I have had it! I am making no difference in her behavior no matter how hard I try and I simply cannot take this and her hundred other arguments about how mature she is and how I treat her like a baby. She wants to go live with her daddy, maybe a taste of being denied everything because he can't afford it, because he never BOTHERED to improve his lot in life, will make her see what I have been trying to say about working to get where you want. I doubt it, most likely he will baby the shit out of her and she will be unprepared for the real world, or live at home with daddy her whole life. Either way, they can fight and he can be treated like an atm and shuttle service and deal with her anger when he says no. I can't take anymore. Maybe she will be happier there, I know I will be happier not fighting with her EVERY DAMN DAY!
A 37 year old mother of four comments on everything from politics to child rearing to why the dog INSISTS on pooping UNDER the trampoline!
Quit Sugar Coating It...Life sucks, Learn to Deal!

- Emily Loose
- Currently, Wyoming, United States
- I am 38 years old, and quite frankly sick and tired of all the stupidity I have had to deal with in my life. So I created this blog to essentially vent and point out the struggles we experience in the US as a society and individuals.... All comments welcome!!
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UPDATE: The teacher assigned extra credit homework... she failed to do it and got a 0. Who's surprised? Anyone, anyone? I didn't think so...